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Chaddlewood Primary School

Chaddlewood Primary School

Religious Education

Nicola Dean
RE Co-ordinator



'RE at Chaddlewood aims to enable children to understand and make connections between different religions and the wider society and communities they exist in. We explore the effect religion has on people and give the children the knowledge to understand the varying aspects of specific religions, encouraging children to question and enquire.'

Disciplinary Concepts



At Chaddlewood Primary School we aim to provide a rich and varied Religious Education covering a number of different worldwide religions. Wherever possible, connections are made to the local community and wider society and world views. We aim to provide children with opportunities to explore what people believe and what difference this makes to how they live, so that pupils can gain the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living. We provide children with the opportunities to find out, discuss and reflect on different beliefs, what it means to belong to different religious communities and the connections that can be made between different faiths.

In Years 3,4 and 5 we use the Opening Worlds Humanities curriculum. This religion programme is compatible with the objectives of most SACRE locally agreed syllabuses in RE but substantially exceeds the knowledge-base and the resourcing that such local RE syllabuses offer.