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Chaddlewood Primary School

Chaddlewood Primary School


What is the intent of our curriculum?

Our curriculum intent Examples

Our curriculum is progressive.  In each subject, children incrementally develop and apply their knowledge as they move through the school.  Existing knowledge supports the acquisition of new.

In EYFS and KS1, we run daily phonics sessions that support children in their progressive acquisition of reading skills (letter sounds, blending, decoding, fluency, comprehension).

Children learn about the water cycle in Year 3 geography.  They draw on this learning in Year 5 when they consider water resources in California.

Our curriculum is broad and interconnected.  Children’s learning in one subject supports their understanding in another. These links are established within each year and across year groups.

Within Year 6, children invent and create a watercolour painting of a mythological beast in art.  They write about this creature in an English unit based on formal information texts.

In Year 3 RE, children learn about the epic story Ramayana.  They draw on this learning in Year 5 history, in which they encounter the epic story of Beowulf.

Children re-encounter key knowledge so that it becomes increasingly secure and embedded in the long-term memory.

Lessons in our humanities curriculum begin with a recap of previous learning, with core knowledge revisited again during an end-of-unit task.

Our spelling scheme allows children to encounter and re-encounter spelling rules and patterns multiple times as they progress through the school.

Our curriculum is inclusive.  We ensure adaptations enable children at risk of disadvantage and those with SEND to access the full curriculum.  

In EYFS, we use visual images to support core communication and develop vocabulary.

We have adapted slides and lesson resources so that they can be readily accessed by all children.

In Key Stage 2, we run reading, writing and maths interventions for one hour each week to support children in accessing the curriculum.

Our curriculum reflects the characteristics of our children, their families and the local area.

Children explore the school grounds and local environs to support their learning in geography and English. 

In history, children learn about the development of Plymouth in the years during and after WWII, which links both to our locality and the military heritage of many of our families.

Our curriculum is ambitious and aspirational

In PE, we supplement our provision with specialist coaches to provide high-quality training for the children.  We monitor children’s participation in physical outside school and provide opportunities within school for those who are less engaged.  We hold the Platinum School Games Mark.

In EYFS and KS1, children’s learning is enhanced through the EYFS garden and our extensive forest school.

In art, we engage children in whole-school projects inspired by individual artists or events.

We introduce children to an excellent array of poetry, fiction and non-fiction through our English provision.