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Chaddlewood Primary School

Chaddlewood Primary School


How do we measure the impact of our curriculum?

We analyse statutory data to assess children’s attainment at different points.  These assessments comprise the phonics screening check at the end of Year 1, the multiplication tables check at the end of Year 4 and the statutory assessments at the end of Year 6 in reading, maths, writing and GAPS (grammar, punctuation and spelling).  We also scrutinise Question Level Analysis (QLA) of Year 6 tests to assess areas of relative strength and weakness, which helps us to develop our provision.  For example, our analysis of QLA maths data has led to a stronger focus on algebra in our Year 6 provision.

Click here for our latest performance data on the phonics screening check, multiplication tables check and Year 6 assessments.  You will see from the data that we exceed national averages in all areas.

Beyond the statutory assessments, our children complete assessment tests in maths (PUMA), reading (PIRA) and grammar, punctuation and spelling (GAPS).  We also summatively assess their writing in spring and summer.  Formative assessments in all of these subjects are ongoing.  Assessments are used to shape our provision and determine which children will be included in intervention groups for further support.

In maths and science, we use challenge grids regularly to assess children’s understanding of a particular topic.  The outcomes of those allow us to revisit areas in which children are not yet secure.

In history, geography and RE, we deliver a curriculum called Opening Worlds in which children complete an end-of-unit task in each of those subjects.  Children also revisit key knowledge and vocabulary throughout each unit so that understanding becomes embedded in the long-term memory.