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Chaddlewood Primary School

Chaddlewood Primary School


Keeping your children safe is our highest priority here at Chaddlewood Primary School. The health, safety and well-being of every child is at the forefront of everything we do.

Each school has a named Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – ours is the Executive Headteacher, Mrs Sarah King. We have three deputies (DDSL). They are the Acting Headteacher, Mr Matt Stace,  our Acting Assistant Head, Miss Steph Ash and our Pastoral Support Advisor, Mrs Carol Jones. All are specially trained in Child Protection procedures.  Our WeST Director of Safeguarding is Mr Richard Woodland.

All staff receive annual safeguarding training enhanced with regular updates throughout the year. We follow clear safeguarding policies and practices and all staff are required to adhere to the Safeguarding Code of Conduct. The code is designed to give clear guidance on the standards of behaviour all school staff are expected to observe at all times. We follow Safer Recruitment Guidelines when appointing new staff and volunteers.

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Sarah King

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mr Matt Stace

Miss Steph Ash

Mrs Carol Jones